Instruments: bass guitar
Occupation: seasoned Moscow Central Circle traveler
Day of birth: 16.03
Lucky number: 4
Temperament: phlegmatic, but EPI results say choleric
Favourite subjects: sci-fi
Main positive feature: kindness
Main negative feature: risk appetite, bad habits
Favourite place: fields, suspension bridges
Favourite book: classical prose, 19th century literature
Favourite music: 80-s' British pop
Favourite movies: documentaries and Soviet cartoons
Favourite childhood's cartoon: Soviet cartoons
Favourite IX reflections song: Kangastus
Less favourite IX reflections song: didn't find one
Describe yourself in 1 phrase: Life is wind
Things you dislike: bad wine
Never forgives: I forgive everything, but never give more than one chance to fix things. Actually I do. And things get messed up, so I try not to.
Scared of: dogs, especially dead ones
Can't imagine life without: love
Sometimes in my sleep... - I occasionally get killed. But most of the time I see no dreams.
Strangest place visited: under the bridge by a green-coloured river in Borodino
Best concert experience: very first gig ever
Worst concert experience: Nothing gross, just getting carried away from time to time and forgetting the parts.
Would never want to play at...? - Venues with no people.